Contract Management
Large engineering and construction projects use standardised contracts to maximise efficiencies. In the UK this is usually the very well established NEC3 contracts. These are a suite of technical agreements which provide a disciplined and well understood vehicle to combine contracting, procurement and project management in a framework which builds in best practice to each stage. NEC3 is gradually being replaced by NEC4 , a similar suite of contracts which builds on the success and popularity of NEC3. The following comments apply equally to both.
NEC3 contracts are industry standard, definitive end-to-end project management contracts. They enable contracting parties to deliver projects on budget, on time, and to the highest professional standards.
NEC3 contracts are used widely on large engineering and construction projects and we are experienced in their use and value their versatility.
The suite of contracts, while based on standardised principles, is sufficiently flexible to be used for procurement of works, subcontracts, services and goods across all sectors. This means a wide variety of projects – public buildings and infrastructure, plant and equipment, and private construction projects – can be governed by their use, through every stage in the project lifecycle. Design, planning, and construction are all included and project management is simplified, while at the same time it can be extended to the management of maintenance and facilities.
As specialist consultants, and with our extensive experience in this field, we can advise on and work with the particular form of contract that best suits your project type, taking into account complexity and levels of risk.
Some projects , especially subsidiary works, might use different forms of contract, such as the JCT ( Joint Contracts Tribunal) agreements, but the principles applied are very similar.
We have a thorough working knowledge and detailed understanding of how these contracts work, along with their benefits and occasional idiosyncrasies. With this expertise, we can make sure no time is wasted. We can focus entirely on the task in hand and work confidently towards on-time completion and handover.
Similar systems operate outside the UK, and we can advise on and work with the appropriate contracts in use in most major jurisdictions.

Get in touch to discuss what you have in mind, and to find out how we can help.
Call +44 786 1247 707 or write to [email protected]