Project Planning
Successful outcomes depend heavily on the right planning at the start.
With many years’ experience of complex engineering, infrastructure and construction projects, we make sure that all elements are given proper consideration and the appropriate weight is given to each one.
As an independent specialist consultancy, we provide an impartial understanding of up to date engineering and construction knowledge. We ensure the appropriate integration of modern best practice with conceptual planning and operational practicalities.
As independent experts we bring purposeful and effective leadership to make sure your project has the best possible preparation and that it starts as it means to go on, delivering high quality outcomes and value for money.
Detailed preparation includes a thorough understanding of the physical nature of the project, and details of relevant tenders and procurement planning, and the design of Project Controls. It includes mapping out construction delivery programmes, including as to how any one project may need to integrate with one or more others.
An essential aspect of construction planning is risk evaluation. It’s vital to identify possible reasons that key milestones might not be met and why; making these assessments prepares management teams to be alert to signs of delay. Well prepared (and supported by effective Project Controls) they will be able to ensure that risk management is built in, realistically. Well prepared, they will be best equipped to pre-empt difficulties and deliver on time and on budget.

Get in touch to discuss what you have in mind, and to find out how we can help.
Call +44 786 1247 707 or write to [email protected]